
(Customer Success Director)
Working with Coach Ana was a game changer especially with clarifying my life objectives. I was able to not only define and achieve life transformative goals but also uncover blockers that were preventing me from reaching my full potential. I found the sessions super helpful and very well organised, I particularly enjoyed the "walk the talk" sessions as I have the highest creative moments during mindful walks. Sessions with Coach Ana were real eye openers to what true work-life balance means. I have all the materials used saved as my "go to" tools always at hand to remind me of key areas I would like to focus on now and in the future. Most importantly, I am being able to put into practice all the learnings from our sessions in all areas of my life. My professional commitments were taking a big chunk of my time so I thought I was going to invest in me! I always wanted to have a life coach but was determined to choose the right person to do so. If you are a busy "always on the move '' professional and, like myself, face challenges with the demands of your career and your personal life, then Ana Powerhouse is definitely for you. I can't recommend Coach Ana enough!

(Sales manager)

In this whole busyness of my life, I try to stop myself and look at everything from a bird’s eye perspective and I’m very proud of who I’ve become and the progress I continue to make. Naming my values and things I stand for makes me think that I am actually great and worthy of love and being around. I know that this is something that I still need to work on but I’m going to cherish those moments of such realisations and collect them to build my inner strength. (...) Although it’s hard sometimes, I enjoy the journey and I am so lucky that, on my way, I get to meet such incredible people like Coach Ana that help and inspire me. Thanks to our sessions, I got a lot of clarity and structure in where I want to get, and more importantly, Ana helped me break it down into how to get there. Our chats have always made me feel good and inspired, I feel motivated to work on my goals and I also think that work happens in the background and all my conscious and subconscious actions are leading me to achieve them. (...) Coach Ana also shed a new light on my vulnerable spot (self-care) and not only reminded me where it comes from, but more importantly she gave me some practical tips that I can introduce in my everyday life. (...) I’d 100% recommend Ana.